Finding meaninglifethe pathpassion

through paint.

Painting It's not just applying paint in a blank canvas, it's understanding light, shape, form and life.

About me

This is just a small selection of achievements in my professional career.


This is just a small selection of achievements in my professional career. But the most important thing I have learnt is from the people I have met along this road:
``Perseverance, love and honesty will take me where I want to be``.


Student of the seminaire program at ``Mount Gretna School of arts (MGSoA)``
Mount Gretna, PA, USA
2012 – 2017
Bachelors degree in Fine arts
Universidad de Guadalajara(UdG)
Guadalajara, Mexico.
2015 – 2016
Exchange student of Fine arts
École Superior de Art et Design(ESAD)
Grenoble, France
Student in the “Master class” with Israel Hershberg, Yael Scalia and Ann Gale
Civita Castellana, Italy

Awards and mentions

Published in Latin American Illustration (LAI3)
New York, USA
Awarded 3rd place in ``la Galería del Paisaje``
Guadalajara, Mexico
Honorific mention as young talent in ``Galería del paisaje``
Guadalajara, Mexico

Solo shows

``Tan brillante como tú``
Careyes art gallery la Brignonesca
Careyes, Jalisco, Mexico
``Tanja Baumler und Yairs``
Private gallery
Cologne, Germany
``Fulano, zutano y mengana``
Casa pajarito
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
``Fulano, zutano y mengana``
Museo de El Grullo
El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico
``Fulano y mengana``
Galería José Clemente Orozco(espacio azúl)
Guadalajara, Mexico
``Expo YAIRS``
Private gallery “Estudio Eden”
Grenoble, France

Collective shows

``Summer annual exposition``
Hampstead art gallery
London, England
Aldo Chaparro studio
Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Transitante 4.0
Galería chica
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
``El parlamento de octubre``,
Sector reforma
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
``Un nido en el huracán``
Independencia Centro
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Hotel demetria
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Casa pajarito
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Hotel demetria
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
``III Painting biennal Atanasio Monroy``
Exposición itinerante
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
``X Painting and etching national biennal Alfredo Zálce``
Museo de arte contemporáneo Alfredo Zalce
Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
``Tercera muestra iberoamericana de arte miniatura y pequeño formato 2016``
San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, Mexico.


"Unique style that’s both classic and modern, fresh and cool."

Yairs was so easy and fun to work with. We came up with some ideas for painting my children and I loved the paintings so much I immediately commissioned more. They hang pride of place in my home and everyone adores them. Yair’s has a very original and unique style that’s both classic and modern, fresh and cool. I’m a huge fan.

Alex Eagle // Creative Director of Alex Eagle Studio